Friday, October 12, 2012

Do Something, Anything!

Yesterday was one of those days when there was not a whole lot that was keeping me from bursting into tears.  I had a tooth ache and was floored when the dentist said the tooth couldn't be saved.  It will have to be pulled and since it is near the front I will have a gaping hole in my smile. Ugh!

1. I felt empty on the inside.
2. I felt ugly on the outside.
3. Nothing was going right in my life.
4. So I went ahead and burst into tears.

No, just kidding but I sure felt like it.  Instead I called my sister and told her my woes and then tried to work in my art journal. 

My mood was holding me back and I couldn't come up with any creative ideas. 

If art journaling doesn't work then there must be some other creative way to get out of this rut.  Yes, there is.  Halloween is just around the corner so I started creating my Halloween card for this year.

Below is the end results.  I am very happy with them.

1.  The card is cute.
2.  I no longer felt empty on the inside or ugly on the outside just a little witchy.
I made 18 cards.  If you're lucky you just may receive one in the mail.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Regina's Heart

One day in August I received a phone call from my twin sister.  She was terribly distressed.  Her baby, now 36, was in the hospital with congestive heart failure. 

The good news is the good nurses and doctors were able to save her.  The bad news is that this tiny little woman who weighs a whopping 85 pounds soaking wet has an enlarged heart and if the medication doesn't work, she will need a new heart.

St. Louis had been suffering from another incredibly hot summer.  My friend Darrell and I had been planning a short vacation for a couple of days of cool weather in Wisconsin, Door County.  Our motel room had been reserved and paid for so even though I was worried about my niece, a couple of days after her release from the hospital we headed north.

The short vacation was great.  Door County, Wisconsin is simply delightful and I truly had a wonderful time, but I worried and stewed about my niece, Regina the whole time we were there.  I wanted to bring back a souvenir for her but not just anything.  I wanted something to encourage her.  Something that would help her get strong once again. 

I found that gift in a little art studio called Dovetail Gallery in the village of Egg Harbor, Wisconsin.  I found a short book entitled "New Beginnings".  The intentions of the book was to give encouragement to anyone trying to improve themselves whether it be lose weight, quit smoking or in this case change her life style to a healthy one that will strengthen her heart.

Following are the journal pages inspired by this little book.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Believe In Yourself

I have been attending an art journaling class at The Scrapbook Factory for the last few months.  Our little group meets once a month to learn new art journaling techniques, try out new products available, and of course a lot of comaradery.

Last week my instructor ask if I would like to join her for lunch.  We had talked about getting together before but our timing was always off. 

She began the conversation off with stating that she would only be teaching for a very few months.  Her husband is military and will be retiring March 2013.  At that time they plan to move to Iowa to be closer to family.
I was pleasantly surprised when she told me she had talked to the owner of the shop about hiring me to replace her teaching art journaling. 

What a lovely compliment!

Then that all enemy of mine, Dragon Face Insecurity raised his head and started throwing fire bombs at me.  I dodged the first fire bomb aimed at weakening me.  His fiery breath screamed out that I had no talent.
I silently told myself that I may not have talent but still my pages were better than the other class members.  He struck again with another fire bomb hissing closely at my ear, "you don't know enough to teach others!"  Just about that time my teacher said she thought I knew more than she did.  Ha!  I guess that put Dragon Face Insecurity in his place.

So I told her I would think about it.  My first step will have to be to start believing in my abilities. 

The following is a page from my journal.  I have entitled it "Believe In Yourself".

Monday, October 1, 2012

Art Journaling Junkie

I am beginning to believe I was much too impulsive when giving my new blog a name.  Yes, I am a dreamer but as I said in my previous post - I have become obsessive.

Obsessive with all the new art products coming out on the market.
Obsessive with learning to use the products.
Obsessively watch videos by other art journalist so that I can learn from them.

I no longer work with one art journal.  I use three so that when the creative bug bites me I can continue to create as one project is drying.

I did not realize I had an addictive personality but it must be true because I have become an art journal junkie.  I hope there is no cure for this addiction.  I'm having way too much fun to give it up.

My Obsession With Art Journaling

Four years ago the love of my life started hurting everywhere.  He would never tell me how bad the pain was but I knew it wasn't good.  He was moving slower and taking a nap everyday.  The doctor gave him antibiotics for the "flu" like systems.  He continued his day to day routines, while my heart grew heavier everyday watching him struggle. 

What did I think was going on?  Lung cancer.  If I was a gypsy it would have been easy money for me to look into my crystal ball and see a long terrible illness ahead for this 3 pack a day smoker.

Yes, I was right, six months later he was diagnosed with lung cancer and six months after that he died in my arms.

I know it wasn't right, but I started my grieving the day the doctor told us it was unoperateable cancer.  I couldn't let him see the pain I felt while nursing him and so began my obsession with art journaling.  I came across the Art Journal magazine by Somerset Studios at a book store while looking for something new to read at the hospital.  It intriqued me so I bought the magazine and the rest is history.

I swear that art journal saved my sanity during the months of caring for him as he died.  Then it became my drug of choice to help me through the rough grieving process.  Months later I showed my journal to BJC Hopise.  It was there first time to see an art journal.  They were amazed at the emotions I was able to convey through my journal.  They told me there are different stages of grieving.  Unbeknownst to me I had shown examples of each stage in my journal.

This blog is going to be dedicated to my art journaling.  Enjoy!