Monday, October 1, 2012

My Obsession With Art Journaling

Four years ago the love of my life started hurting everywhere.  He would never tell me how bad the pain was but I knew it wasn't good.  He was moving slower and taking a nap everyday.  The doctor gave him antibiotics for the "flu" like systems.  He continued his day to day routines, while my heart grew heavier everyday watching him struggle. 

What did I think was going on?  Lung cancer.  If I was a gypsy it would have been easy money for me to look into my crystal ball and see a long terrible illness ahead for this 3 pack a day smoker.

Yes, I was right, six months later he was diagnosed with lung cancer and six months after that he died in my arms.

I know it wasn't right, but I started my grieving the day the doctor told us it was unoperateable cancer.  I couldn't let him see the pain I felt while nursing him and so began my obsession with art journaling.  I came across the Art Journal magazine by Somerset Studios at a book store while looking for something new to read at the hospital.  It intriqued me so I bought the magazine and the rest is history.

I swear that art journal saved my sanity during the months of caring for him as he died.  Then it became my drug of choice to help me through the rough grieving process.  Months later I showed my journal to BJC Hopise.  It was there first time to see an art journal.  They were amazed at the emotions I was able to convey through my journal.  They told me there are different stages of grieving.  Unbeknownst to me I had shown examples of each stage in my journal.

This blog is going to be dedicated to my art journaling.  Enjoy!

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